Nothing Is I

I am nothing

And nothing is I

I speak for no one

And no one speaks for me

I have not adjusted to living

And life has not adjusted to me

Love is a game

A game I do not play

Crying is for the weak

The weak is not I

Laughter is for children

Do I look like a child?

Friends are fakes and leave you in the end

I am fake, I’ll leave you first

Life is a waste

Why waste your time?

Death is horrible

But so am I

I am nothing

And nothing is I

Lover to Ashes

From lover to ashes,
my lover goes
Once a being that could breathe
until he let go
Lovely things he used to say,
that came from the heart,
a poet to be,
right from the start
but then the day came,
that his heart stopped
they gave me a vase,
that held his remnants,
but how would I know?
ashes are ashes,
they’re all the same
on the day
we joined to grieve,
i sprinkled his ashes,
and they floated over the trees,
now you’re in the air,
leaving behind,
the faint smell of smoke,
and tears in our eyes